Security: A Top Priority
Monsignor Pace High School is dedicated to providing a safe school environment and has taken a proactive approach to school safety. Pace provides a respectful and caring environment that encourages student achievement through a variety of programs that teach skills and concepts that promote community building, empathy development and respect for differences. A safe school is everyone’s responsibility (staff, students and parents) and can only be successful when all of the community is dedicated to this goal. No school can predict every problem or crisis that may occur; however, Pace has taken the following deliberate steps to:
Prevent critical incidents by reducing or eliminating certain variables that would otherwise foster them.
Make reasonable efforts to control incidents that come up despite those best efforts.
Be better prepared to respond constructively to whatever is beyond our control.
The school is located on 44 acres between St. Thomas University and the Marian Center. Pace employs the Florida Patrol Investigators security company which provides security on campus, and maintains the main entrance to the facility. In addition, security cameras are located throughout the campus. Pace is a drug free school, and participates in random drug testing to help maintain that status. All personnel, paid or volunteer, are required to have a background check which includes federal finger printing and Virtus training. All persons are required to have a Pace ID or a Visitor Pass when on the campus during the regular school day. Monsignor Pace High School works in conjunction with the Miami Gardens Police Department, and employs both Miami Gardens and Metro Dade county police officers to assist in security at large school events and some athletic competitions. The crisis management plan is in place, is practiced during the school day, and is evaluated on a yearly basis.